Website Building CMS Style

I first started using Squarespace to build my own portfolio site over 5 years ago. It wasn’t until I rebuilt the entire BUILT BY GIRLS website that I really started to have fun. I enjoy how CMS’s like this provide greater access to builders and creators everywhere to bring their visions to life.

BUILT BY GIRLS Marketing Site

Originally, the BUILT BY GIRLS marketing site was hosted on a custom platform that required engineers to make even the smallest copy changes. When it finally became clear the site needed major changes, I was given the opportunity to determine the site map, UI, and design. Over the years it has evolved as we learned more about how users interacted with the site.

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Summit Toolkit 2019

In 2019, BUILT BY GIRLS hosted their first annual summit. With two days of events and speakers, it became important to not lose all of this amazing content. We took video, wrote and commissioned articles, created templates, and workshop guides to ensure that the learnings from the Summit weren’t left behind. Thanks to all of this new content, it became necessary to build it outside of the existing marketing site with it’s own visual identity and navigation.

Summit Toolkit 2020

In the second annual BUILT BY GIRLS Summit, it was hosted all online. Being mindful of the webinar and Zoom fatigue we knew our students were facing we pivoted to a short and snappy online event featuring big names who had a lot of wisdom to share with the students. To ensure this content remained accessible to students who both attended and couldn’t make it, a more abbreviated toolkit was created to host videos and articles.

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